Course Selection

MBS (Master of Business Studies)



1.     Students enrolled in the first semester of their study program are given pre-selected courses; all other students may select their own courses subject to their scheme of studies and the limitations prescribed in the rules below.


2.     The credit hour limits are as below:

i.      For the first and second semesters a maximum of 18 credit hours are allowed.

ii.     For the third and subsequent semester(s) a maximum of 18 credit hours are allowed. However, in certain cases, the University may allow to enroll maximum 21 credit hours only if student’s CGPA is ≥ 3.00 out of 4.

iii.    For Final semester, maximum 21 credit hours of coursework are allowed in addition to Project/Internship as applicable, subject to the condition that all degree requirements will be completed within the same semester and no other course selection rules, such as pre-requisite or specialization requirements, will be violated.

Note:    Maximum limits prescribed for enrollment of credit hours includes ‘F’ or ‘D’ grade courses, if any enrolled.


3.     Students taking less than the course load prescribed by their scheme of studies will require extra semesters to complete the curriculum; in such cases they will also have to bear the additional cost.


4.     During a study program, students may attempt to improve a "D" grade course only once.


In order to select your courses, follow the steps below:

1.     From within the LMS, click the Student Services button

2.     Click on the Course Selection link

3.     While selecting courses, give priority to "F" grade course(s) and the improvement of "D" grade course(s) where possible

4.     Click the check boxes to select course(s)

5.     Save the selection

6.     You may make changes to course selection any number of times before the last date to add / drop or replace course(s).

(Note: You may want to consult your scheme of studies under the Student Services section in your LMS account, in case of further clarification).

RECOMMENDATION: Full Time Regular Students Are Expected To Follow Their Prescribed Scheme Of Studies.